Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The base controller unit includes a Touch Screen LCD, latching, siren light and strobe. By checking this box you agree that we may store and use your information for the specific request(s) that prompted you to fill out your contact information. In addition to the internal GM detector for local area monitoring, it has an option for external detector monitoring. WebThe area radiation monitor will measure the ambient radiation, usually X-ray, Gamma or neutrons; these are radiations which can have significant radiation levels over a range in excess of tens of metres from their source, and thereby cover a wide area. WebRadWall-H | Area Radiation Monitor communicates with a wireless radiation monitoring network for data management. Real-time alarm. WebA full range of irradiation monitors using various types of detectors including ionization chambers, silicon diode detectors, GM tubes or Helium 3 tubes can cover a wide variety of applications including area monitoring for personnel protection, process line monitoring, and perimeter monitoring. This permits instant radiation-level recognition not readily distinguishable on meter-type instruments. In addition to the internal GM detector for local area monitoring, it has an option for external detector monitoring. Characters . Energy response: 10% from 55 keV to 3 MeV, Life expectancy: up to 107 rads if preamplifier is remote or shielded, No external power is needed at detector location. In addition to the internal GM detector for local area monitoring, it has an option for external detector monitoring. The directional dose equivalent is an operational quantity for area monitoring of weakly penetrating radiation. Use as a standalone monitor or combine multiple units. padding-right: 1em;}, Provides continuous visual indication of radiation levels and produces audible and/orvisual alarms at any of six programmable radiation levels, Assures reliable, continuous monitoring wherever radioactive materials are present, Displays the radiation level in bright color-coded lights, Optional Primalarm Remote Alarm, which functions up to 100 feet from monitor, Primalert 35 Area Radiation Monitor with AC adaptor (specify from the following): USA/Japan: 110 VAC 12 VDC 500 mA (part #14-314) Europe: 230 VAC 12 VDC 500 mA (part #14-400) Australia: 230 VAC 12 VDC 580 mA (part #14-436). //